TLDR; It’s available only in Exchange 2019 OnPrem onwards and Microsoft 365
The SMTPUTF8 is likely not supported in the OnPremise version of Exchange 2016 or anything earlier.
There is a parameter for SMTPUTF8Enabled in the Set-ReceiverConnector, but even when it was enabled, it was not advertisted.
Get-ReceiveConnector * | Identity, SMTPUTF8Enabled
The parameter is listed as for internal Microsoft use only, changing the value of the paramter made no difference.
The EAI (Email Address Internationalization) featured is only listed in th Exchange 2019.
Re, “Email address internationalization (EAI): Email addresses that contain non-English characters can now be routed and delivered natively.”
EAI Announcement for Microsoft 365, and there is an unanswered query for On-Prem Exchange in the comments section
This is where they mentioned supporting it on the Exchange Server 2019 onwards